Note: Below are excerpts from news media reviews of the renowned IND-DRA-JAL
magic show of The Great Sorcar at various countries.
Click Here for Selected International Articles from
Historians, Authors and Magicians on the Great P.C. Sorcar
New Zealand
....."SORCAR plays the role of the handsome youngman who found the lamp that contained the Genii. He
has but to wish and it happens. To the audience SORCAR has caused these
miracles in some mysterious way, not by his own hands, but some strange
forces that he perhaps calls on."...Harris Solomon, International President,
IBM (USA) in The Linking Ring, p.23, June, 1960.
....."SORCAR is a dedicated man - Magic is
his life, his avocation, and his profession. He has achieved much for a
man of his years, and he has some amazing box-office records to his credit.".....John
Braun, International President of IBM (1946-47) in The Linking Ring, p.80,
January, 1961.
Hollwood film-star Shirley Maclaine felicitates
in The New Empire Theatre, Calcutta, 1964
....."I have had the privilege of attending
the performances of nearly all the leading magicians of this century and
of all nationalities. It is my belief that in the entire world SORCAR is
one of the really great magicians. I must stress that his delightfully
friendly personality and his skilfull presentation stand even out above
the extremely clever magic which he performs. It is not enough that a magician
mystifies his audience, he must also entertain and delight them as he does
so well. It gives me great pleasure to recall that in his performance there
is no detail so small as to be unimportant to him. His attention to details
adds immesurably to the performance as a whole. Such an attitude as his
in this regard is the mark od a genuine artist.....SORCAR is a great magician
who has been a leader in fostering international understanding. Sorcar
has had a vast experience in entertaining people in great many countries
of our globe. His performances always have been artistically and financially
sucessful. He is a man of agreeable personality, possessed of a keen and
trained mind, and having the capacity for an inordinate amount of work,
he has the none too common attribute of never being satisfied with today's
efforts, excellent though it be, and has the consistent determination that
'tomorrow' will find him doing even better. Through the years I have watched
with admiration the many subtle changes Sorcar has made in everything he
does as he strives for pefection. That constant effort always to do better
and to go higher is the sign of a true artist."....... John Mulholland,
Magician, New York, May, 1960.
....."Congratulations to SORCAR, the World's
Greatest Magician....Yes, I've seen them all, and SORCAR IS the World's
Greatest Magician".....Thos. A. Dethlefsen, Golden Gate Magic Company,
California, USA, August 2, 1958.
....."Having had the great pleasure of
watching SORCAR's performance...I can support with confidence the statement
that SORCAR is definitely one of the World's Greatest Magicians"......Ace
Gorham, Past National President, Society of American Magicians, August
......"The arrival in London of SORCAR,
the Indian Illusionist, caused a stir reminiscent of the Maskelyne tradition...Sorcar
may revive the departed glory of the Maskelyne age in British entertainment...".......L.
Marsland Gander, Illustrated Weekly of India, April 29, 1956.
Sawing a lady in half on BBC-TV , London,
in 1956
......"The cleverest illusionist London
has seem." Empire News & Sunday Chronicle, London, April 15, 1956.
......"Wealth of entertainment, thrills,
excitement, and fascinating mystery. This swiftly moving show has the hallmark
of a star magician who must be classed among the World's Best. Originality
is the keynote of many of the demonstrations....SORCAR is the magician
'Par Excellence'......Southport Gurdian, England, March 21, 1956.
Eluding a Regulation Handcuff before London Police
(Photo: Sunday Graphic, London, 1957)
......"Anyone who fears he has lost his
capacity for wonder in the suicidal suburbia to which the world seems to
have been reduced by supersonic speed and office efficiency should go to
see the brilliant show at Sunderland Empire this week. It is fast and efficient,
but it is also ancient and magical. SORCAR does wonders (I don't call them
mere tricks) with birds, cards, boxes, fishes, jugs, glasses, and other
exotic impedimenta. Thee are wonders, truly; but the real joy of the evening
lies in the fact that, far from being a succession of tricks, it is pageant
of colour and music and movement. And the combining blinding magic is in
the personality of SORCAR, supplemented by the charming talents of his
apprentice sorcerers of magic and music...".....The Sunderland Echo, Sunderland,
England, March 13, 1956.
"SORCAR, made people squirm by cutting
a woman in half on TV. That was a trick. But another scene in the show
made women faint, and left London audiences bewildered by its gruesomeness,
and it is genuine."
"How is it done?" is the vital question.
The rabbits-out-of-a-hat kind of magic, obviosly, is all done with mirrors
and phosphorus and double-bottoned boxes.
"But one of SORCAR's stunts at the Duke
of York's disturbs spectators because it seems to need a different sort
of explanation altogether.
'Please do not confuse this with the rest
of the show,' Sorcar said the night these photographs were taken, 'that
was Western; this is Eastern. That was mechanical; this is psychologial'..."
writes Katharine Whitehorn in Picture Post, London, 28 April 1956.
"Whether you like it or not, SORCAR hits
the front pages in a big way, and one feels some sympathy for poor Norman
Rashleigh, who does the press cutting notes for The Budget, because I suppose
he must have been inundated, as we were, with clipings from nearly all
the leading London dailies and evening papers following on the "sawing
thru" in B.B.C. TV's "PANORAMA" last week - a wonderful boost for Sorcar's
opening at the Duke of York's Theatre, London, where he remains at the
time of writing.....All the reports were similar - one or two critics seemed
a bit doubtful whether such a spine-chilling effect was suitable for television,
but all recorded the terrific audience-response and several remembered
to compliment Sorcar on his X-Ray Eye effect which preceded the sawing...The
odd thing about Sorcar is that we have yet to see a 'bad write-up' in the
lay press in this country, and one has to be a pretty good magician, you
know, to make a favourable impact on EVERYONE" - Editorial by Goodliffe
in Abracadabra, No. 534, p. 209, 21 April 1956
"Tommy Coper, TV and stage magician had
his finger-tips on the main artery of the throat, one doctor checked the
heart, another held the right wrist, while I took hold of the left.'...
editor, Psychic News, London, 28 April 1956.
"...The show is a newspaperman's nightmare.
It defies adequate description. For over two hours we are bemused by an
unending series of apparent miracles, the atmosphere heightened by the
jingling candles of oriental music and colourful flashing of Indian costumes.
There seems to be no logical way to explain what the bland and smiling
Mr. Sorcar himself accomplishes....Sorcar is one of the finest exponents
of his art in the world today...", Gloucestershire Echo, Cheltenham, England,
28 February, 1956.
"...I have known Sorcar for nearly a quarter
of century and after watching his rise to the present enviable position
from the early days, I cannot help but express my admiration for him.",
Eddie Joseph, Dean of Magic, London, 16 July, 1958.
" 'Seeing is believing' is a fine honoured
phase. But it seems practically impossible to belive your own eyes after
you have witnessed some of the fantastic and incredible illusions presented
by Sorcar. Undoubtedly, Sorcar leaves his audience spellbound with his
sorcery (or should it be Sorcary?). It's all as baffling as being left
in the middle of Hampton Court Maze and told to find your own way out.
One does not normally associate expert showmanship and spectaclm with the
realm of magic. Yet Sorcar is not content with presenting his mysteries
in a half-hearted manner. He has his own band, an array of glamorous and
manly assistants, and appropriate lighting. Sorcar measures the taste of
the public with, the nicety of virtuoso. His magnificient illusions are
breath-taking from the standpoint of mystery as well as eye-appeal..."
Cambridge Daily News, Cambridge, England, 14 February, 1956.
"The thing that couldn't occur is the very thing that SORCAR set before our astonished
eyes throughout the whole evening", Daily Telegraph, Brisbane, (Australia)
24 December, 1957.
"... SORCAR delivers his affable patter
in a strong Indian accent, and peppers his sentences with Americanisms"...
The West Australian, Perth, 25 July, 1957.
"...Illusion, delusion, clusion, or just plain Magic? Nobody had time to sort out when SORCAR chattered his way
rapidly fron one act to another during his premier at the Theatre Royal.
His showmanship impinged itself upon the audience and bewildered it from
start to finish" ... The Christchurch Star-Sun, New Zealand 25 October, 1957.
"... SORCAR is an assured, suave, and agreeable performer. He has shown very convincingly that stage magic, whether it be spectacular, entertaining or just puzzling, can still command the lime-light
in competition with other forms of public amusement..." New Zealand Herald
(Auckland) 19 November, 1957.
"Those present at the Rotary Club meeting
were more than facinated by the man and amazed at the wide geographical
knowledge SORCAR has attained from his many travels. And although he apologised
at the commencement of his address for his English, Sorcar in fact displayed
more than average knowledge of the English vocabulary"... The Manawatu
Evening Standard, 12 November, 1957 New Zealand.
"Certainly IND-DRA-JAL is the most colourful,
the most captivating and the most striking masterpiece of work that I have
witnessed. Off stage SORCAR is a gentleman, quiet-spoken, friendly and
ever willing to help the rawest of amateurs with advice and encouragement"...
(1958) Bernerd Reid (Diabolo) the Magician, Secy. New Zealand Society of
"SORCAR is genial, charming, and most enthusiastic...
He tells you what he is going to do; it is unbelievable; then he does it.
And not the least of the attractions in the show are the beautiful costumes
of the women and men who help him. Sumptuous, too, are the backdrops of
oriental elaboration and colour.
"With the first appearance of SORCAR under
two huge silver ram's horns sounding a soft and rather mysterious note,
and with incense drifting up from big brass bowls, the show gathers a flavour
that is exciting and distinctive.
"SORCAR reminds one that the gorgeous East
still holds mysteries and strange powers that elude the Western mind and
imagination..." The Press Christchurch, New Zealand, 25 October 1957.
.."The success of the IND-DRA-JAL show
in Australasia depended upon the lavish and magnificent scenery the beautiful
and colourful costuming and above all on the personality of SORCAR. His
personality far outshines that of many stage-names and his revue will go
down as one of THE SHOWS of the Century.
All effects are nearly routined and blended
to give maximum entertainment and the whole presentation appeals equally
to the eye and brain.
I personally viewed the performance seven
times and each time noticed something that I had missed on the previous
occasions, thus proving that there were far more in SORCAR's show than
can be seen in one sitting. The timing is perfect and the assistants trained
to the mark. Since SORCAR puts his heart and soul into each performance,
he gives the spectators that little extra polish and individuality that
are lacking in the majority of similar modern revues." ....Bernard Reid,
Secy. New Zealand Society of Magicians.
..."SORCAR came to our county (Australia-New
Zealand) on a Theatrical tour but, in addition, he proved to be a splendid
ambassador of his own country, and in my opinion, his visit to us helped
the relations between our two countries very materially"... Sir Frank Tait
Kt. Managing Director, J.C. Williamson Theatres Ltd. 18 July 1958.
..."P.C. SORCAR is undoubtedly the Greatest
Magician in the World today. We have seen several here in New Zealand but
they are not in the same class as P.C. SORCAR"... 16 September 1958 Sir
Ernest Davis, KT. ex-Mayor, Auckland, World-famous Race-Horse Owner &
..." This is one of the most colorful shows
to have come to Wellington in a long time and it must be one of the best
rehearsed"... The Eveving Post, Wellington, 19 September 1957.
WELLINGTON: Grand Opera House Sept. 18
to Oct. 5, 1957.
The Diminion:- 'The World's Greatest Magician
SORCAR certainly went a good waay toward substantiating that claim, even
when one remembers the exploits in stage magic by Chung Ling Soo, Carter,
and Dante the Great"... (19 Sept.'57).
INVERCARGILL: Civic Theatre Oct. 7 to Oct. 10, 1957.
Southland Times:- "SORCAR is a magician of exceptional skill"...(8 Oct.'57)
DUNEDIN: His Majesty's Theatre Oct. 11 to Oct.22, 1957.
The Evening Star:- "The whole show ran as smoothly as well-tuned engine"...(12 Oct.'57).
CHRISTCHURCH: Theatre Royal Oct. 24 to Nov. 6, 1957.
Christchurch Star Sun:- "SORCAR's showmanship impinged itself upon the audience and bewildered it from start to finish"...(25 Oct,'57).
PALMERSTON NORTH:Opera House Nov. 8 to Nov. 13, 1957.
Manawatu Evening Standard:-'With a pleasing personality SORCAR has an instant appeal to the audience"...(9 Nov. '57).
NEW PLYMOUTH: Opera House Nov. 15 to Nov.16, 1957.
Taranaki Daily News:- "SORCAR was announced The World's Greatest Magician. He went a long way to prove this"...(16
AUCKLAND: His Majesty's Theatre Nov. 18 to Dec. 7, 1957.
HAMILTON: Embassy Theatre Dec. 9 to Dec. 11, 1957.
Waikato Times:-'SORCAR showed that his reputation as one of the World's Greatest Magicians is well deserved"...(10
"...The Hindu SORCAR'S display of magic,
mysteries and illusion of the Etoile, "Magie des Indes" is an attractive
and fascinating show, beautifully costumed and filled with the exotic dazzle
and din of the East."... New York Herald Tribune, Paris Edition, 1 December,
"Seeing is beleiving. And the old adage
was more than amply proved when Sorcar held an audience of many hundreds
awe-struck with a brilliant performence.... Sorcar's magic has to be seen
to be appreciated. He achieves the impossible all the time and one leaves
the hall at the end of it wondering whether it was all a dream or a reality"...
Daily Chronicle, Nairobi (Africa) 24 February 1956.
"As a magician of repute SORCAR needs no
introduction. His name has become synonymous for Magic throughout the world"...
The Kenya Daily Mail, (East Africa) 21 May 1959.
"To all the members of the Public we will
recommend SORCAR's Show as a 'MUST'... Colonian Times, Nairobi, 26 February
"SORCAR is an expert in his art and is
considered to be the greatest magician in the world. He proved this during
his shows in Nairobi"... Picha, Nairobi, Kenya, 1 March 1959.
"I left the Capital Theatre performance
of SORCAR, strangely reminded of H.G. Well's invisible man by the magician's
disappearing etc. Then what secrets could be held from a man who can read
anything though his eyes are sealed with dough and a couple of masks"...
The Singapore Free Press, 21 December 1953
"The Soviet tour of Indian Illusionist
Sorcar was a great Success. He was acclaimed by Moscovites as the World's
Greatest Magician"... writes Russia's LIFE magazine SOVIETSKEE SOUZ (SOVIET
UNION), No. 152: 1962 page 56.
"Tuesday, August 28, 1962, SORCAR with
his part flew to Moscow. It was a Russian 'Aeroflot' jet plane that carried
the troupe under a Cultural Exchange Programme between the Governments
of India and the USSR in exchange of the famous Bolshoi Ballet. Representatives
from the Cultural Ministry of both the Governments were present at Palam
Airport, New Delhi, to see them off.
USSR PROFERRED THE OFFER "On arrival, the 'Ind-Dra-Jal' team was warmly greeted at Moscow Airport by Mr. I.E. Komarov
representing the 'Goskonsert' of the Soviet Government and Sri N.P.Jain
of the Indian Embassy in Moscow, setting the pace for the next very busy
forty days in the Soviet land".
SORCAR was busily occupied with the Press
Conferences, special newspaper interviews, Photo calls, interviews from
Tass & other news agencies. In Radio Mosco Sorcar was interviewed by
Mr. David Belikov and Mr.Vitaly Nehaiev; again he was intervied from Radio
Moscow by Victor Samarin from their English Programme and by Sj. Biswajit
Roy and Sj. Subhamoy Ghosh for their Bengali Programme. In Leningrad Radio
Sorcar was interviewed by Mrs. Vaganov Ludmila and Sorcar's Indian Orchestra
was relayed over the Radio net-work. Sorcar featured in their Television
Pragramme and news reel shorts were taken of his significantly memorable
visit to the USSR.